Jacaranda Plant

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  • Regular price K50

Exotic tree.

Scientific name: Jacaranda mimosifolia

English Name: Jacaranda

Local Name: NA

General Information

medium to large tree 5-15 m tall, up to 20-25 m on favourable sites, deciduous and with an attractive spreading crown. Bark is thin and grey-brown. Twigs are slender, somewhat zig-zag and light reddish-brown in colour. Leaves are bipinnately compound and 15-30(-40) cm long, with 13-31 pinnae, each with 10-41 sessile leaflets, (3-)5-10(-12) mm long and (1-)2-3.5(-4) mm wide, oblong, glabrous or slightly puberulent along the midrib and margins. Flowers are described variously to be blue-violet, lilac, lavender-blue or mauve in colour. considered to be native to a well-defined area in central and eastern South America, and is exortic spiece in Zambia.

Health Benefits

The bark and roots of this species are used to treat syphilis and infusions of the flowers are used to treat amoebic dysentery.Source of medicine/pharmaceutical, Traditional/folklore.

Human Benefits

The timber of J. mimosifolia is yellowish-white, hard, moderately heavy and easy to work. It is used for interior carpentry and poles, it is  also used to make small items such as tool handles and carvings. It is also used for fuel, Amenity Landscape improvement and Ornamental. It is a source of honey and  flora and its crown structure offers shade to humans and animals.

Agriculture Benefits

Used as Animal feed, fodder, forage

(Invertebrate food). It is  used as bee forage and is an excellent source of nectar for African honey bees. The Bark extracts are also used to suppress the hatching of larval  use. The tree is widely used as a living fence for erosion control.