Pod Mahogany

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Scinetific name: Afzelia quanzesis

English Name: Pod mahogany

Local Name: Mupapa (B, T)

General information

Afzelia quanzensis is normally a dominant species when it occurs in areas with deep sandy soils. Afzelia quanzensis is very drought resistant but frost sensitive and slow growing in colder areas. It is medium-sized to tall deciduous tree.  Flowers with a single large, streaked, pinkish red petal. A plant of moist areas of the tropics, where it is found at elevations from near sea level to around 1,800 metres.


Health benefits

Roots provide medicine against gonorrhoea, chest pains, kidney problems, bilharzia, eye problems and snakebites. They can be chewed as an aphrodisiac. A mixture of pounded bark and python fat is applied on eczematous spots of the skin, and a small piece of bark is applied to an aching tooth.

Human benefits

Seeds of this tree are in great demand for ornaments and charms. They are often used as necklaces or made into jewelries and sold as antiques. The wood is hard and easy to work; it polishes well, it is durable, termite resistant and borers on the ground and teredo in seawater. It can be used for construction of doors, shutters, general outdoor joinery, furniture, wagons, railway sleepers, musical instruments and also used in boat building. The leaves are eaten as a vegetable.

Planting and tree management

Seedlings fairly grow fast when young, later quite slow growing. Potential for growing in miombo woodland or dry woodland. Altitude of 0-1300m. deep rooting and prefers medium light soils, not waterlogged.